Two Sundays ago I shot another wedding! I was very honored to be asked to be the photographer for this very special event. I charged very little because I know that I do not have the proper equipment (good flash, for one) or even a great lense to produce *amazing* results. That will come in good time though. So, all in all, I am not thrilled with the results, but then again I am never thrilled with anything I create. I hold my standards extremely high, but am glad that I do that because it always pushes me to become even better!
The wedding was indoors with very dim lighting. Like I wrote above, I just didn't have the right equipment to get good, crisp shots with this setting. I worked with what I had though and took a lot of time editing them. Here's a few shots from the wedding:
The full wedding can be seen HERE.
P.S. Does anyone know of a good free website (not Youtube) where I could upload my videos? I'm having copyright issues with photobucket and I'm sure Youtube would pose the same problem. I don't like how Vimeo videos look when presenting a wedding. I want something a bit more classy, ya know?
And other things recently:
I finally got my beads back from the garage at my condo. The tenant recently moved out (he has to go to Afghanistan, poor guy) and while doing the walk-through, I saw that my beads were still hanging on the wall in the garage!! The've really helped make my house come together. Look:
My duvet came in the mail last week. I really love the beautiful fabric:
How about some recent shoe purchases of mine: