Tuesday, March 30, 2010

John & Fish photos

These are some of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen. You must check out John&Fish's photographs on Flikr.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Photo Adventure in Balboa

oday I went shooting (photos) with my cousin and David. Once again, I am now exhausted. It must be a combination of this heat and all of the walking. I am going to have an early night tonight for sure. Here are the photos that I took of our event:

This is probably the best depth of field that I've ever done. I'm finally mastering the art of aperture and shutter speed!

This is actually a bum's feet and pants. He was sleeping in the field:

I certainly love spring time!

Oh, and I took another photo of my recent painting, but this time I took it with my Canon camera. I think this photo below looks more how it looks in real-life. The other one made everything too sharp and crazy. Wish I could have done better on the sunlight breaking through but I'm over it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Day

I am so exhausted from nothing really. Today David and I hiked around a canyon in Balboa for about an hour and that really did me in! We got some pretty pictures though.

Sausage fruit:

Poor squirrely!

The canyon was FILLED with sourgrass blooms! Yellow and green everywhere!

It was rather majestic really.

This poor squirrel has a missing patch on his fur! Something must have bit him!

After our exhaustive journey we treated ourselves to a vegan lunch and a decadent non-vegan dessert!

Mmmmm....Chocolate cheesecake brownie and Buddah's Garden tea!!

That's all! Oooh, wait until I show the delicious 5-course meal my friend recently spoiled me with! Stella is an angel in disguise and I owe her BIG time! :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Project #3

Our 3rd photo project was to focus on urban geometric shapes. David was nice enough to be my model. These were taken in University Heights off of Park Blvd.

I still feel like these photos aren't crisp enough. I don't know if my lens is just not good enough to create super-crisp shots or if it's something that I'm doing. Wah.