Sunday, May 16, 2010

Photo Final + flower pot

Okay, so here are the other photos for my HDR project. The bottom line is if you want your photos to look HDR-tastic, you have to be in a high-contrast setting, such as the beach. Clouds really help too. Oh well. Live and learn. These still completely qualify as HDR as they are 7 photos merged into one, they just don't look insane like these examples.


Hyacinthe was nice enough to put one of my paintings in the window next to hers.  I just love her style.  I plan on painting larger from now on.  No more tiny paintings!
IMG_2275.jpg picture by emeraldsrain

Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Painting

This is the Mad Hatter for the show. After these Alice in Wonderland paintings, I think I'm through doing the types of paintings that I've done for the past 10 years. It's time to become more professional and create paintings that people with money would actually want in their homes. I'm wasting my time with these childlike paintings, I feel.

Anyway, do you guys think it looks better with the text or without:

(My favorite quote from the book. I think I hate it on this painting though)

And I finished a flower pot last night. Took me about an hour. I plowed through it while watching "A Life Less Ordinary" which I definitely recommend.

Side one:

Side two:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Final Photo Project

Our last photo project is to be in HDR (High Dynamic Range). We were to set up our tripod and take photos of subjects that were still. We were then to take 7 photos without moving the camera one bit, but each photo was to be in a different shutter speed. That way we would have some photos that were too light, others that were too dark and one that was considered to be of perfect lighting. Then, you just plug your 7 photos into photoshop and use the "Merge to HDR" option. Then you can edit them as you would normally. Pretty cool.

Here are my first 3 of 7:

I decided to take photos of the homes in my neighborhood because they're so darn beautiful! Plus, I want more architecture photos in my portfolio.

I'll probably fiddle around with these a bit more and photoshop out the distractions before actually turning them it. There will be more to come within the next week or so. It's sad that our class is almost coming to an end. I've always loved taking creative classes where we're told what to do. That way it gives me an opportunity to think in ways that I may not have normally.