I am now teaching a teengage art class and an adult beginners painting class! I just HAVE to share some of the pieces that my students have been working on:
The girl who created this piece below just turned 16. She's amazing! I only have two students in my teenage class right now which is perfect for a lot of one-on-one attention.

The girl who created this piece below just turned 16. She's amazing! I only have two students in my teenage class right now which is perfect for a lot of one-on-one attention.
Here are some pieces from my children's drawing class:
This girl is 6 and did this all on her own by following my steps:
And a 5 year old:
Another 6 year old:
As for the adult class, here's what they've been doing:
This lady had only dabbled in abstract shapes before and didn't know any painting technqiues, such as blending two colors together. She's going to outline with black again but she's basically done:
This is actually my mom. :P I begged her to take the class too to curb my nerves teaching adults. My mom has never painted anything moderately realistic before and this was a huge stretch for her. She still has a lot of work to do on it but it's turning out great! And I'm not sure why everyone has chosen to do birds out of my pile of photos, but they all look great!
It's hard to see how this lady's piece is looking from the angle but it looks SO beautiful!
The lady who does abstract brought one of her old pieces in to fancy it up. She's now working on adding depth to it and outlining in black. It's already looking much more professional!
We have one more student that just started that I actually used to play softball with! Small world!